1st Doongalla Jessie 14/52nd Paw Uma 6/53rd Paw Ursula 18/5
Non-Runners: None (All 7 Ran)
1st Display 10/32nd Aston Barton 10/113rd Paw Verity 7/2
Non-Runners: None (All 6 Ran)
1st Count The Stars 17/102nd Tinker Drew 16/13rd Doongalla Boy 21/20
Non-Runners: None (All 9 Ran)
1st Angry Chief 13/82nd Dubrow 13/83rd Paw Lilibet 12/1
Non-Runners: None (All 10 Ran)
1st Leap Of Faith 11/102nd Duchess Georgia 9/23rd Rubys Show 14/1
1st Talcott Bale 10/32nd Gunai Bold 13/23rd Yamgata Bale 9/1
1st Reiko Tedesco 11/12nd Paw Harris 13/53rd Ferocious Canary 17/10
Non-Runners: None (All 8 Ran)
Non-Runners: None (All 8 Run)
1st Paw Zelini 21/202nd Tension Head 16/53rd Paw Mantra 4/1
1st Paw Xander 5/42nd Home Town 5/23rd Ice Ice Baby 29/10
1st Sumo Smash 5/12nd Mac And Cheese 6/13rd Zarude Bale 22/1
Non-Runners: None (All 10 Run)
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